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wxWidgets - Cross-Platform GUI Library
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wxWidgets 3.0.4 Released

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wxWidgets 3.0.4, the latest release in the stable 3.0 series, is now available. Upgrading to it is strongly recommended for all users of the previous 3.0.x release as it brings a lot of bug fixes and support for newer compilers (MinGW 4.9, 5 and 7), SDKs (macOS 10.10 and later) and libraries (GStreamer 1.0) but remains 100% compatible with 3.0.0, both at the API and the ABI level, and so upgrading to it doesn’t require absolutely any changes to the existing applications.

The announcement post contains the fuller list of the most important changes in this release and they are described in even more details in the change log.

As usual, in addition to the sources, you can also download binaries for the selected Windows compilers (any version of Microsoft Visual C++ from 2008 to 2017, MinGW-TDM 4.9.2 or 5.1.0, or MinGW 7.2.0). And you can read the documentation for this release online.

Thanks to everybody who contributed, by reporting bugs and submitting patches, to this wxWidgets release. We hope you will find it even better than the previous one and will enjoy using it!


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